17 August 2021
Road Works
The Norfolk County Council propose to make an Order under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effect of which on vehicles will be to prohibit waiting:-
(i) at any time along the lengths of road specified in Schedule 1 below; and
(ii) on Monday to Friday from 0830 hours to 0930 hours and from 1430 hours to 1530 hours along the length of road specified in Schedule 2 below.
“The County of Norfolk (Loddon, Various Roads) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 2014” (“the 2014 Order”) will become revoked in its entirety on the date of commencement of this Order.
Please note only proposed changes to the restrictions are listed in the Schedule below. Other restrictions in these roads would remain the same as in the 2014 Order and for administrative purposes be included in this proposed Order.
A copy of the proposed Order, a plan and a copy of the 2014 Order may be viewed online at Copies may also be available for inspection at Norfolk County Council, County Hall, Norwich and at the offices of South Norfolk District Council, South Norfolk House, Cygnet Court, Long Stratton, Norfolk, NR15 2XE, during normal office hours. However, during the current epidemic staffing levels have been reduced and viewing online would be recommended in keeping with the government guidelines.
Any objections and representations relating to the Order must be made in writing and must specify the grounds on which they are made. All correspondence for these proposals must be received at the office of nplaw, Norfolk County Council, County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich, NR1 2DH, marked for the attention of Ms A L Wilton by 14th September 2021. They may also be emailed to
The Officer dealing with the public enquiries concerning these proposals is Mr Daniel Lowe, telephone 01603 222263 or 0344 800 8020.
In the Parish of Loddon
Prohibition of Waiting – at any time
U71241/10 Beech Close North Side
U71241/10 Beech Close South Side
From its junction with the C395 High Bungay Road eastwards for 11 metres
From its junction with the C395 High Bungay Road eastwards for 9 metres
U76501/10 Davy Place North Side
U76501/10 Davy Place South Side
From its junction with the C395 High Bungay Road eastwards for 11 metres
From its junction with the C395 High Bungay Road eastwards for 7 metres
C395 High Bungay Road
West Side
From its junction with the U76503/20 Leman Grove southwards for 93 metres
From its junction with the U76503/20 Leman Grove northwards for 233 metres
From a point 27 meters north of the centreline of its junction with the 7P433/10 Kings Wood northwards for 40 metres.
C395/54 High Bungay Road
East Side
From its junction with the U76501/10 Davy Place southwards for 140 metres
From its junction with the U76501/10 Davy Place to its junction with U71241/10 Beech Close
From its junction with the U71241 Beech Close northwards for 24 metres
U76503/20 Leman Grove Both Sides
From its junction with the C395/54 High Bungay Road westwards for a distance of 8 metres
In the Parish of Loddon
Prohibition of Waiting – Monday to Friday – 0830 hours to 0900 hours and 1430 hours to 1530 hours
C203 Kittens Lane
South Side
From a point 20 metres west of the centreline of its junction with the C395 High Bungay Road westwards for a distance of 16 metres