Local Organisations
If you would like to have your organisation listed here, please email clerk@loddonpc.org.uk.
As always, if you, or someone over-60 that you know, would like some help and maybe just some friendship, please phone ChetChat. Our number is 07733323581 if you, or someone you know, might need something.
Loddon Community Allotment Society
The Allotment Society are happy to help with growing advice. The Secretary, Andy Hartland, can be contacted by e-mail at andyhartland@btinternet.com.
Loddon Town Estate Trust
Has the pandemic affected you financially? Many have been and will continue to be.
If you are finding it difficult to make ends meet financially then there may be help available.
The past 18 months have been tough for everyone but the financial implications have been exceptionally difficult for many.
Don't be ashamed to ask.
Loddon Town Estate Trust is a small local charity that was set up many years ago to help residents of Loddon when they need that helping hand the most.
We are here to help so please contact us for a friendly chat.
Ring Julie on 07976902487 or email her at loddontrust@hotmail.com
Reg charity no: 209135
Norwich Foodbank
Reverend David Owen and his wife Nina can assist with foodbank deliveries to Loddon. Please contact the Norwich Foodbank in the first instance.
Phone: 0300 365 1123
Website: http://www.norwichfoodbank.co.uk/
Email: admin@norwich.foodbank.org.uk
Community Gym at Loddon
Your local, not-for-profit, and affordable Community Gym is here to help you improve your fitness and wellbeing under expert guidance. Please also speak to your G.P. about their Exercise Referral Scheme. They are open at the Library Annexe Rear Hall every weekday.
Please see www.loddoncommunitygym.com for more details.
Loddon History Group
Loddon has an active History Group, their website can be viewed here:
Students from Hobart School compiled a film of Loddon in 2016. entitled 'Loddon Life - Past and Present'. The film can be viewed here: