5 March 2021
Notice is hereby given that there is a vacancy on Loddon Parish Council. The vacancy has previously been advertised, and no election has been requested. The Council is now able to fill the vacancy by co-option.
Any elector interested in applying is welcome to contact the Clerk for further details and an application form. The successful applicant will be chosen following consideration by the Parish Council.
Applicants should note that Councillors are expected to attend regular monthly meetings on the second Wednesday of the month, and any additional Working Party meetings as may be arranged, and to represent the electors of Loddon in raising and discussing those issues of interest and concern on which the Parish Council is empowered to act.
Applicants should also note that membership of the Council is open to electors who are citizens of any state in the European Union or of the Commonwealth.
Councillor Criteria:
• Whose residence is in Loddon or within three miles of Loddon for a period of twelve months or longer, or
• Whose principal place of work is in Loddon, and
• Who is not disqualified (by reason of a criminal record, bankruptcy or involvement in corrupt practices).
For further information, please contact the Clerk to the Council. Emily Curtis;