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It's Time to Talk about mental health

3 February 2022

2022, Mental Health

It's Time to Talk about mental health

This Time to Talk Day, don’t let discussion of mental health slide – help your family, friends and colleagues by starting a real conversation.

Thursday 3rd February is Time to Talk Day, the nation’s biggest mental health conversation. Run by MIND and Rethink Mental Illness, it’s a day about creating supportive communities that encourage people to talk about how they are feeling and whether they are doing ok.

In Norfolk, a range of services and support is available for anyone who is ready to have an honest conversation with those they care for about their mental health.

Cllr Penny Carpenter, Norfolk County Council’s Healthy Lives Champion, said: “We know that one in four people experience a mental health problem in any one year: for something that impacts so many of us, we are remarkably slow to talk about mental health. Time to Talk Day is a chance to change that – not just for 24 hours, but for the long term.

“Opening up about mental health, and being willing to support those who open up to us may sound like a small step, but it can make all the difference in the world, so please, start having these conversations and make sure your loved ones don’t feel they have to face their problems alone.”

Norfolk Libraries support the Read My Mind project – a series of podcasts that encourage men who are experiencing depression or low mood levels to take part in social reading activities. This helps them talk through their concerns and shows others who may be going through similar experiences that they are not along - listen to the Read my Mind podcasts online, or find out about their fortnightly reading and wellbeing Zoom meetings with Norfolk Libraries.

Reading can also help people facing mental illness challenges. Norfolk Libraries have a specially curated selection of books available, selected to support mental health: any Library user can find these in the Norfolk Libraries catalgoue under the banner Reading Well for Mental Health.

Dr Louise Smith, Norfolk’s Director for Public Health, said: “We’ve started to see conversations take place more frequently around mental health, but there is still a long way to go: Time to Talk Day reminds us of just how important these are, and how easy it can be for us to be supportive and ready to help those who need it.

“In Norfolk: around 16% of our adult population have a diagnosed common mental health disorder, marginally below the national average, but that’s no excuse not to talk about mental health and destigmatise the topic. All of us can change how we think and speak about these issues, and make sure those we care about feel safe and supported in coming forward, being honest about how the feel and seeking the help they need.”

Further information on support available in Norfolk is available online on the Norfolk County Council website.

Anyone who feels they need help personally or needs further information on where to get help can call Mind’s Infoline on 0300 123 3393.

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