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Clerk's Annual Report 2020-2021

4 May 2021

Clerk's Annual Report 2020-2021

Loddon Parish Council Annual Report

Firstly, I would also like to thank Cllr June Strickland, our outgoing Chairman for her unwavering support to both the staff and Councillors and we look forward to working with the new Chairman and Vice-Chairman. The Pandemic has given the Council additional challenges, but despite these, the Council has worked hard to improve the facilities and services that Loddon Parish Council is able to offer the community.

The Parish Council would like to thank all the volunteers over the past year, including the Councillors and Patrick Webster and Gary Allard for the recent restoration of the two wooden village notice boards and Carole and Bernard Webb for the installation of the tree plaques. The Freedom of Loddon Award will continue for a further ten years, thanks to a generous sponsor; Philip Taylor. The Council would also like to thank Sophie Garrett and Brian Webb for planting the flower tubs and towers and keeping them watered throughout the year.

A recent improvement to the village has been the installation of a CCTV system at the Staithe toilets. Thanks to District Cllr Kay Mason-Billig for offering her Members’ Grant to cover the cost. The CCTV has reduced antisocial behaviour and is supporting the Police when crime and vandalism has been reported.

Additionally, the Council has:

· Adopted 30 streetlights from SNC and upgraded those streetlights to LED lanterns to reduce energy supply costs.

· Worked closely with SNC to improve the Staithe and were recently delighted to receive the news that SNC have taken responsibility for the Staithe footbridge.

· Sourced further Freedom of Loddon Plaques.

· Improved the management of the allotments, including a new scaled plan, plot signs and the newly formed Allotment Officer role. There is now a healthy waiting list for Loddon Allotments.

· Near completion of the adoption of the public open space on Broadlands Meadow.

· New signage for the Staithe WCs.

· Progressed a joint Neighbourhood Plan with Chedgrave Parish Council.

The Council supported the Royal British Legion with the organisation of the Remembrance Sunday event, and despite Covid-19 concerns, it was a very poignant occasion. The Council were very grateful to Caroline Dwen and her volunteers for providing additional marshal support to ensure that the event was Covid-19 safe, and we are hopeful that this year, the full parade will be able to go ahead without any restrictions.

The 2020 Christmas light display was as impressive as always. The community offered consent to display lights and provided electrical supplies for the installation and the Loddon Swan even offered a Christmas Tree to ensure the event went ahead. Plans are well underway for the 2021 Christmas light display.

Sadly, LPC had to make a long serving employee redundant this year as the Information Centre has been unable to open for a further year due to Covid-19. The Council is hopeful that the information Centre will relocate to the Library as planned in 2022, although unfortunately it will no longer be able to have volunteers assisting the visitors.

The last twelve months have been a busy time for recruitment, with our new Finance Officer, Georgina welcomed into post in September 2020 and an Admin and Allotment Officer soon to be in post. Thanks to David for consistently working hard to keep the Playing Field and Hockey Field clear of litter and the Play Areas safe.

The Loddon Parish Council website and Facebook page continues to be updated regularly, so please follow us to find out what the Council has been working on recently. The Minutes of the meetings are an excellent way to find out what work the Parish is currently involved in, and what decisions have been made on behalf of the community. Residents are also welcome to attend the monthly meetings.

Loddon and Chedgrave Playing Field Committee

Both Chedgrave and Loddon PC’s jointly share responsibility for the Playing Field, and below is a brief summary of the work that the Committee has implemented in the last twelve months;

· Tree work has been completed (particular on the leylandii around the Tennis Courts)

· The Tennis Courts have been cleared of moss.

· An online booking system ( has been set up to allow people to book the tennis courts at any time.

· The area near the containers which had caused concern with its antisocial behaviour has been cleared of vegetation, trees and sharps.

· A joint CCTV venture between the users of the Playing Field and the Jubilee Hall has been agreed, and it is hoped that it will reduce vandalism and dog fouling issues.

· A significant grant has been obtained from the Lawn Tennis Association to install a keycode system to make the Tennis Courts booking process simpler.

Signed: Emily Curtis (Parish Clerk)     Dated:05 May 2021

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