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Big Norfolk Holiday Fun

25 January 2022

2022 Holiday Fun

Big Norfolk Holiday Fun

In the 2021 Easter, Summer and Christmas holidays 90 activity providers created nearly 60,000 places for Active Norfolk’s Holiday Fun scheme in schools and non-school settings. Thousands of children accessed the programme across Norfolk. Feedback indicates that children got experiences they otherwise wouldn’t have had. They’ve made new friends, they’re more physically active and they learned about eating healthy food.

Good news! The Holiday Fun programme is going to be funded for the next 3 years. The next scheme will run during the Easter holidays, with a face-to-face programme from 4– 15 April. 

Activities will be funded for children who are eligible for means tested free school meals. And where possible, Active Norfolk will encourage a blended model where funded places are available on the same scheme as paid-for places. Active Norfolk is keen to hear from you if you feel you can deliver any part of the programme. More information on the requirements and an expression of interest is available here. Please note that you do not need to complete the EOI if you delivered activities as part of the 2021 programme. If you have any questions, please get in touch;

Loddon Logo

01508 522 020

EMERGENCY PHONE: 01508 486 128

9am - 12pm Tuesday

9am - 12pm Wednesday

9am - 12pm Thursday

The Old School, Church Plain 

Loddon, Norfolk, NR14 6EX 

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Thanks to Carl Davidson for the website photography

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