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A helping hand for South Norfolk residents

20 November 2023

South Norfolk Council recognise how important it is for our elderly residents to stay in their own homes for as long as possible and sometimes a small change can make a big difference.

The Council’s Handyperson+ scheme supports residents with a wide range of small household repairs and minor adaptation work.

The experienced team can help with many tasks including fitting key safes, fall prevention adaptions, smoke alarms, grab rails and better lighting. They can also offer advice on staying warm during cold weather.

As well as small works, the handyperson will chat to residents during a visit to see if they would benefit from any additional help. They have an in-depth knowledge of grants, allowances and services a resident may be eligible for.

In addition, the team can direct residents to relevant community support, including social clubs or events in the local area to help combat loneliness.

You may be eligible for the service free of charge if;

  • You are over 65

  • Have a long-term condition or disability AND

  • Receive either Housing Benefit, Guaranteed Pension Credit or Universal Credit.

You may be eligible for our handyperson service with an hourly charge of £10.32 if;

  • You are over 65 AND

  • Have a long-term condition or disability

You may be eligible for our handyperson service with an hourly charge of £20.78 if;

  • You are under 65 you  have no long-term condition or disability.

This does not include the cost of any materials.

To contact the Council to request the Handyperson+ service please call 01508 505284, or email:

A helping hand for South Norfolk residents
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