The Transport for Norwich Strategy Consultation
6 September 2021
The consultation for the proposed Transport for Norwich Strategy has opened, ensuring that it offers people and organisations around Norwich the chance to have their say on current and future priorities for transport provision in Norwich.
We would like your views on the Transport for Norwich (TfN) Strategy which will be taken into account and the revised strategy will replace the existing Norwich Area Transportation Strategy (NATS) which was adopted in 2003 and updated in 2010.
The proposed strategy currently comprises a new high-level strategy depicting longer-term objectives and visions for transport across the Norwich area and a proposed action plan of the further work required to achieve the strategies objectives.
The proposed TfN strategy suggests how transport will contribute towards key themes of the county council’s plans for transport and address new and emerging guidance on decarbonisation, active travel and the changing transport needs of the city, and of those who access the city, taking account of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Transport for Norwich Strategy Consultation will run for 6 weeks from 26thAugust 2021 to 8th October 2021 and we would be pleased to receive your views.
For further information and to feed back your views go to, please go to