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Cold Caller Advice

23 January 2024

Norfolk Constabulary, 2024

Cold Caller Advice

We’re reminding South   Norfolk residents to be vigilant following reports of suspected cold callers   operating across the district.

 Officers received a number of reports on Tuesday 9 January 2024 from   residents in Wymondham, Poringland, Brooke and Ditchingham.

 The incidents all followed a similar theme of a man knocking at the person’s   door, saying they had recently been released from prison and wanted to sell   household items.

 e advise you to close and lock your back door before answering the front   door. If you do not recognise the person, speak through the closed and locked   door.

 f they are selling something or offering to do any work on your house or   garden, tell them you are not interested and ask them to leave. If they   persist, tell them you will call the police and call us on 999. If you have   any doubt – keep them out.

 We advise that you should never agree to buy goods from, or have work done,   by someone that calls unannounced at their door, or approaches you on the   street.

 Often such traders don't provide full names, trading addresses or contact   telephone numbers, resulting in it being virtually impossible to trace them   if there are any problems with the work or goods.

 Anyone feeling threatened by a cold caller should call 999 immediately.   Anyone with information about suspected rogue traders should contact police   on 101, or alternatively Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

#BeVigilant #CrimePrevention

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01508 522 020

EMERGENCY PHONE: 01508 486 128

9am - 12pm Tuesday

9am - 12pm Wednesday

9am - 12pm Thursday

The Old School, Church Plain 

Loddon, Norfolk, NR14 6EX 

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